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Baxter Barn Machine Locations > Washington

31929 SE 44th Street
Fall City, WA , 98024-7806

Phone: (425) 765-7883


Baxter Barn is a small, family owned farm. They lovingly raise a variety of animals including chickens, horses, rabbits, pheasants, quail and mini-donkeys. They also produce a line of chicken feed, chicken supplements, and horse feed. They are dedicated to raising happy and healthy animals, producing the highest quality product, and demonstrating sustainable farming practices.

Hours of operation: Tuesday through Saturday 10:00 am to 5:00 pm. Closed Sunday and Monday. Limited free parking.

Machine 1 (Placed 5/26/2019) is outside in front of the feed building. Cost to press: 51¢ each design. Designs all have a beaded border:
1. (H) Two horses with ' Ext. 1875 Quality Feed'.
2. (H) Chicken with ' Ext. 1875 Quality Feed'.
3. (H) Restored Fall City hop shed with 'Fall City Historical Society'.
4. (H) Sno Valley with 'Sno Valley Tilth Buy Local'.

G.P.S. coordinates: Latitude: N47° 33' 54.2592" Longitude: W121° 54' 54.1044"
Google Maps coordinates: H37M+WX Fall City, Washington

1/04/25: Machine works good

Machine 1 - Outside in front of feed building