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Fort Adams State Park Visitor Center / Coffee Shop Machine Locations > Rhode Island

80 Fort Adams Drive
Newport, RI , 02840

Phone: (401) 841-0707


Fort Adams is a former United States Army post that was established on July 4, 1799 as a First System coastal fortification, named for President John Adams who was in office at the time. Its first commander was Captain John Henry who was later instrumental in starting the War of 1812. The current Fort Adams was built 1824–57 under the Third System of coastal forts; it is part of Fort Adams State Park today.

Machine 1 requires a $1 bill and gives a new zinc penny. Designs are:
1) 'Eisenhower House Newport, RI', house,
2) 'Newport Bridge EST 1969', suspension bridge,
3) 'Newport, Rhode Island', Lighthouse,
4) Fort ASdams Newport, RI', logo.

3/18: New Pennyman 4 design hand crank machine added here.

9/30/24: Machine rolled all 4 coins, pretty close to as pictured. I brought new crisp $1 bills from the bank to use (after seeing the previous difficulties) and it started giving me issues on coin #3.
My recommendation is to try and try again with the dollar and eventually it will take it. Took around 5 minutes total to get all four designs.
This is located in Fort Adams State Park Visitor Center / Coffee Shop which is located at 80 Fort Adams Drive not 90 Fort Adams Drive, and is only accessible during those hours, no cost to get to coin machine. Machine is preloaded with new pennies.
Definitely worth checking out the Fort as well.

Machine 1