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South of the Border Machine Locations > South Carolina

3346 US 301 N. I-95 at US 301-501 (just south of NC border)
Hamer, SC , 29547

Phone: 800-845-6011


South of the Border is a rest stop and roadside attraction on Interstate 95 at US Highway 301/501 between Dillon, South Carolina, and Rowland, North Carolina. The name is derived from its location just south of the border between the Carolinas. The rest area contains restaurants, gas stations, and a motel, as well as a small amusement park, shopping, and fireworks. The mascot is Pedro, a Mexican bandido.

South of the Border is a very kid friendly place to stop, especially on a long road trip. There are no fees to access any of the two machines, lots of free parking, and plenty of restrooms in the area (but not in all buildings). This is a very easy, "Get off the highway, and get back on" location. There are tons of cement statuary (mostly animals) for photo ops.

Machine 1: at Pedro's Pantry
Design is: 'South of the Border' with cactuses on each side.

Machine 2: 2 buildings down at the main Pedro's location
Design is: 'South of the Border' with cactuses on each side.

Retired 3: 1) 'South of the Border' with cactuses on each side.

10/13/2024 - Machine #1 and Machine #2 are the exact same design.
Machine #2 rolling noticeably short on copper.
Machine #1 is rolling well on copper. TEC#4985 12/20/24: We only visited machine 1 which is located at Pedro's Pantry. The machine is located past the cash registers near the exit, right next to the claw machine. The entire place is pretty old and faded. -- The whole building smelled strong of cleaners and the restrooms were very gross inside. I would not recommend using the restrooms at all. -- The claw machine is completely rigged. We tried to play it and it dropped the claw down but did not even attempt to close the claw at all. Avoid this machine if you can.

Machine 1: Pedro's Pantry

Machine 2: - 2 buildings down at the main Pedro's location

Retired 3