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South Carolina State Museum Machine Locations > South Carolina

301 Gervais Street
Columbia, SC , 29201

Phone: 803-898-4921


The South Carolina State Museum is the largest museum in the Southeastern United States. The museum is located on an old shipping canal on the Congaree River that dates back to pre-Civil War times. It opened October 29, 1988 and is housed in what it calls its largest artifact, the former Columbia Mills Building, listed on the National Register of Historic Places in 1982. The exhibits include life-size replicas of the Best Friend of Charleston, the first American-built locomotive, and the H.L. Hunley, the first submarine to sink an enemy ship in combat. The second floor is notable for its recreation of a Megalodon, named Finn, suspended mid-air just around a corner, which has scared countless groups of young children.

Machine 1 is on the way to the elevators. all say South Carolina State Museum. Designs are:
1) Shark,
2) T-Rex (dinosaur) skeleton,
3) Train
4) South Carolina state flag image of tree

Token machine 1 has Museum name and logo on backs. Design is:
Need scan/ photo of tokens, front and back, on a plain white background.
1) 'Pirates, Privateers, Buccaneers', Crossbones and skull.

1/12/25: The machine is rolling well on copper pennies. 51 cents. Speed rolling works. jnm

Machine 1

Token Machine 1