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Bioparco Roma Machine Locations > Italy

Viale del Giardino Zoologico, 20
Rome, Italy, 00197

Phone: 06 36 08 211


The Bioparco is one of the oldest Zoos in Europe, founded in 1911. It currently hosts nearly 1.000 animals, belonging to over 200 different species. Mammals, Reptiles, Amphibians and Birds live in one of the most charming botanical gardens in Rome, with more than 1.000 trees, some of which are very rare and very old.

You can find the machine in the giftshop, it needs two cent Euro coin

Roma - Bioparco
Piazza Giardino Zoologico 1 (Villa borghese)
Souvenire Shop

10/4/16 The souvenir/book shop has been gutted and there was no sign of the machine. However, I didn't have time to check inside of the zoo.

Machine 1