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The Super Museum Machine Locations > Illinois

517 Market Street
Metropolis, IL , 62960

Phone: 618-524-5518


The world famous Superman Museum, family owned and operated, officially opened in 1993 in the Man of Steel's official hometown of Metropolis, Illinois on Superman Square. The museum features 20,000+ items from the life's work of longtime Superman enthusiast and collector, Jim Hambrick who has amassed one of the greatest collections of Superman memorabilia in the world. Among the items showcased in the museum from the iconic superhero's 75+ year history are virtually every Superman toy ever produced as well as movie props and promotional materials from all the Superman movies & TV series (including "Smallville" and "Man of Steel") and one of the only George Reeves Superman costumes still in existence. The museum is organized around particular eras and portrayals of Superman, spanning television, movies, and comics; and is changed frequently, to encourage repeat visits.

The machine is in the back of the gift shop by the register on the left hand side. Designs are:
1) 'Superman First Appeared 1938',
2) 'Home Of Superman Metropolis, Illinois
3) 'Noel Nell Statue Metropolis, Illinois,
4) 'Super Museum Metropolis, Illinois, Home of Superman', Building,

11-22-2024 For our convenience, the owner has a bowl of pennies for free on top of the machine.
Also a change machine is located beside the rolling machine. JOP

Machine 1

Retired Single