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Great Plains Zoo & Delbridge Museum of Natural History Machine Locations > South Dakota

805 South Kiwanis Avenue
Sioux Falls, SD , 57104

Phone: (605) 367-7003


The Great Plains Zoo and Delbridge Museum of Natural History is a 45-acre zoo and museum. The Delbridge Museum of Natural History displays 150 mounted animals, including 38 "vanishing species". The Great Plains Zoo is owned and operated through a partnership between the City of Sioux Falls and the Zoological Society.. The Zoological Society of Sioux Falls, a non-profit, operates the facility, manages the animal collection, and maintains the grounds within the exhibit. It is a mid-sized zoo

Machine 1 is in a wood cabinet with a hand crank, All have 'Great Plains Zoo Sioux Falls, SD' on them. Located jinside the primate building Designs are:
1) Buffalo,
2) Giraffe,
3) Flamingo,
4) Rhino.

Machine 2 All have 'Great Plains Zoo Sioux Falls, SD' on them. Located in the gift shop. Designs are:
1) Bear,
2) Buffalo,
3) Monkey,
4) Wolf.

7/24/22 Both machines remain operational. Machine #1 has changed locations to inside the primate building.

Machine 1

Machine 2