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Penang Hill Lower Station Machine Locations > Malaysia

Bukit Bendera,
Penang, Malaysia, 11500

Phone: +60 4-828 8880


The Penang Hill Railway is a one section funicular railway which climbs the Penang Hill from Air Itam, near George Town on the island of Penang in Malaysia. The railway first opened in 1923 as a two-section railway, and the system was overhauled in 2010. The total journey time can take between five and twenty minutes. The funicular train coach travels directly from the lower station to the top, but may stop at other intermediate stations upon request.

16/03/18 Machine is at the front ticket counter, machine is full automatically with 3 designs and RM 5 for each, machine only accept RM 10, RM 5 and RM 1 note.

Machine 2

Retired 1