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1880 Train Gift Shop Machine Locations > South Dakota

103 Winter St
Keystone, SD , 57751

Phone: (605) 574-2222


Machine located near the front entrance. You do not have to ride the train to access the machine. The machine is located only in Keystone, not at the Hill City side of the train route.

1) a train on it and says, "Born to Ride, 1880 Train."
2) a picture of Mt. Rushmore and says, "Mt. Rushmore, South Dakota".
3) a Buffalo and says, "Black Hills, South Dakota".

SEASONAL ONLY! Call ahead. The downtown area is closed during the winter.

6/15/23: Machine working good. Located on the left side of the door once you enter store from the street. Cost .51cent.
Push button electric type not hand crank. Make sure to press the button on the design you want before you push the coins in.

Machine 1