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Mammoth Site, The Machine Locations > South Dakota

1800 Highway 18, Bypass
Hot Springs, SD , 57747

Phone: 605-745-6017


The machine is in the gift shop in front of the actual dig site. No need to pay admission fee.
Just a quick note to let you know that the penny machine at the Mammoth Site in Hot Springs, SD is now charging $1.00 for an elongated penny instead of $.50. Hope this isn't the wave of the future!

All have 'The Mammoth site', on them. Designs are:
1) 'Giant Short Faced Bear',
2) 'Hot Springs, SD', Mammoth facing forward,
3) Mammoth skeleton.
4) 'Hot Springs, SD', Mammoth facing left.

Token Machne 1: 2023
1) Mammoths,
2) Sabertooth Cat,
3) Dire Wolf,
4) Giant Sloth,
Rear- Mammoth Site logo.

9/15/2022. The machine is still in the gift shop and working well on coppers. It still costs $1.00 per roll. There's an admission charge to see the dig site and exhibits; but there's no charge to go in the gift shop.

Machine 1

Token Machine 1