- The official website for elongated pennies, penny books and penny machines Penny Men CTM Group
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Marlowe's Ribs & Restaurant Machine Locations > Tennessee

4381 Elvis Presley Boulevard
Memphis, TN , 38116

Phone: (901)332-4159


The machine is straight inside near the hostess stand.

Each souvenir penny is $1 (4 quarters), Designs are:
1) (H) TCOB, Taking Care of Business in a Flash', Lightning bolt inside letters,
2) ??
3) ??
4) ??

Retired 1: 1) 'Elvis', 2) (V) 'TCB', with lightning bolt, 3) '1977 - 1985', dates over and under head, 4) 'Memphis', Image of bridges and paddle boat.

5/2/2024-Pennies were moved from Rock 'n Roll Cafe to Marlowe's straight inside to hostess stand. Pennies rolling fine, Each souvenir penny is $1 (4 quarters) and rolling fine. There is a cup of pennies at the machine. CW

Please send all four designs in one scan/ photo on a plain white background,

Machine 2

Retired 1