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Caffe Vittoria Machine Locations > Massachusetts

296 Hanover Street
Boston, MA , 02113

Phone: 617-227-7606


The Caffe Vittoria is world renowned as the first Italian cafe in Boston.

Design was: 1) 'The Original Italian Cafe' and a crown in front and 'The North End Boston, MA' on the back.

4/17/18 : Asked an employee where the machine was. She told me it was locked in another room. I asked if I could have access to it. She denied me. No further information was provided. TB
8/4/2018 found machine and it does not work. But it’s still there.
11/18/2018 machine is there (walk in its to the right- no lights were on it). I asked at the cashier if it was working but she said it wasn't.
8/30/2019 Machine is there, Caffe Vittoria has two doors, machine was inside area of door on the right. Machine was off. I asked a bus boy if it worked he said it just needed to be plugged in, I asked if they could do so and some cranky old lady stated in a mean rough tone "it doesn't work". I think this is their excuse and someone should take the machine from them.

11/01/2021 asked where the penny machine was, they said it wasn’t working.

Machine 1