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The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints History Museum Machine Locations > Utah

45 North West Temple Street
Salt Lake City , UT , 84150

Phone: (801)240-3327


The Church History Library collects materials by or about The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and its members. Treasures of the Collection Learn about the many historical treasures in the archives of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
In addition to our current exhibitions, the Church History Museum maintains online collections of fine art and historic images.

The machine is just inside the second set of doors as you enter the museum on your left or on the right of you just as your leaving the museum. Designs are:
1) Beehive,
2) Angel Moroni,
3) Salt Lake Temple,
4) Handcarts.

7/16: A new Pennyman 4 design hand crank machine was installed here. GSY

9/7/2023 still here and rolling great on copper

Machine 1