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Rainbow Drive-In Machine Locations > Hawaii

3308 Kanaina Ave
Oahu - Honolulu, HI , 96815

Phone: 808-737-0177


For more than 50 years, Rainbow Drive-In has served some of the cheapest and best plate lunches to Hawaii and the world. In addition to our local favorites — loco moco, chili, fried rice and our popular mix plate — we also offer new products that can only be obtained exclusively when you visit our drive-in in Kapahulu. In 2012 we opened RainbowTiki, a logo shop next to the drive-in where we sell our Rainbow Drive-In T-shirts, caps, bags, stickers and other gift items. We also sell our popular Chili Seasoning & Rub, Buttermilk Pancake Mix, Mom’s Mix and two kinds of Hawaii-style chili pepper water. If you haven’t been to Rainbow’s in years, come back. We offer the same great food — but with a little extra on the side!

Designs are:
1) 'Shaka Neko Good Luck from Rainbow Drive-In',
2) 'Keep on... Rainbow Drive-In',
3) 'Kapahulu, HI 1961 Rainbow Drive-In,
4) 'Rainbow Drive-In', the image of the drive-in.

12/20/24: Added phone number and website address.

Machine 1