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Maryland Science Center Machine Locations > Maryland

601 Light Street
Baltimore, MD , 21230

Phone: 410-685-5225


The Maryland Science Center, located in Baltimore's Inner Harbor, opened to the public in 1976. It includes three levels of exhibits, a planetarium, and an observatory. In 1987, an IMAX theater was added. In 2004, a large addition to the property was opened, and the modernized hands-on exhibits now include more than two dozen dinosaur skeletons. Subjects that the center displays include physical science, space, Earth science, the human body, and blue crabs that are native to the Chesapeake Bay.
Maryland Science Center won a 2006 Best of Baltimore award for "Best Place to Take Kids." In 2008 the Maryland Science Center was named one of the “10-Best Science Centers for Families” by Parent's magazine.

Both machines are located at the inner gift shop entrance. If you walk in the Science Center, and head left towards the gift shop, walk through the gift shop and out of the other end of it like your headed into the museum. You will see the machines on either side of the walkway. We didn't have to pay to get in, and weren't even questioned.

Machine 3:
1) 'Our Place in Space', Man looking through Telescope
2) 'Chesapeake Bay Blue Crab', Crab
3) 'The Big Year', Head showing brain,
4) 'The Universe Inside Us', Man

Machine 4:
1) Hubble Space Telescope', Image of telescope
2) 'Orioles', Oriel holding a bat
3) 'Astrodon', Dinosaurs
4) 'I Love Science', Atoms, genes

Retired Machines:

Retired 1: 1) "Explore Your World" with an image of a globe, 2) "Baltimore Orioles" with the Orioles Baseball Team logo, 3) "Baltimore...Charm City" with an image of a Crab, 4) Face of an alien.
Retired 2: Each has Einstein and the equation "E=MC2", 1) the Earth, Moon, spaceship, and satellite, 2) Albert Einstein and the equation "E=MC2", 3) a Brontosaurus, 4) a Crab and the words "Science Center.

3/20/25: The part the coins go in on Machine 4 gets stuck so you might have to try pushing it a couple times but both machines are outside the gift shop and pressing fine

Machine 3

Machine 4

Retired 1

Retired 2