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Boardwalk Plaza - Point Break Surf & Sport Shop Machine Locations > California

175 Pomeroy Avenue Suite K
Pismo Beach, CA , 93449-2646

Phone: (805) 773-0608


Point Break Surf & Sport sells T-shirt, toys, clothing and souvenirs.

Hours of operation: Sunday through Friday 9:30 am to 7:00 pm, Saturday 9:00 am to 7:00 pm. On street metered and free parking in various locations around the store.

Admission: Free admission.

Machine 1 is outside in front of the store. Cost to press: 51¢ each design. Designs 1, 3 and 4 have a beaded border, design 2 has a ringed border. All with 'Pismo Beach':
1. (V) Pirate standing on wooden right leg with 'California'.
2. (H) Two surf boards atop an old Woody on the beach.
3. (H) Clam with eyes on sand with 'Happy as a Clam in'.
4. (H) Sea Otter floating on their back holding a clam.

G.P.S. coordinates: Latitude: 35° 8' 22" N Longitude: 120° 38' 35" W
Google Maps coordinates: 49Q4+VQ Pismo Beach, California

December 28, 2024. The penny machine is rolling well centered excellent images with slight tails on 95% copper pre-1982 pennies. MWHTH

Machine 1 - Outside at entrance