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Santa Monica Pier - Bait-Tackle Machine Locations > California

404 Santa Monica Pier
Santa Monica, CA , 90401

Phone: 310-576-2014


The Santa Monica Pier Bait-Tackle store is also known as the Last Stop Shop on Route 66. It is located at the end of the Santa Monica Pier. The penny machine is located in the tiny shop, it is visible as soon as you enter the shop.

Designs are:
1) Route 66 logo over the United States outline, with "SANTA MONICA, CA" and "THE MOTHER ROAD" outlining the penny.
2) Route 66 logo between palm trees, with "Santa Monica, CA" and "The End of 2448 miles".
3) Entrance arch "Santa Monica * Yacht Harbor * Sport Fishing * Boating * Cafes" with "SANTA MONICA" and 'CALIFORNIA" outlining the penny.
4) Large Route 66 logo, vertical orientation.

. 9/2/22 Normally open and well pressed. You can see the machine when you step in. HINTS: the store may not open on weekdays, but Fri, Sat, and Sun. Anyway, find a holiday.

5/05/24: ????

Machine 1