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Legoland Discovery Center Machine Locations > Michigan

4240 Baldwin Rd
Auburn Hills, MI , 48326


LEGOLAND® Discovery Center, where families with children aged 3 to 10 can enjoy a world of creativity, color and building fun in the ultimate indoor LEGO® playground.
The Legoland Discovery Center opened March 25, 2016 in the Great Lakes Crossing outlet mall in Auburn Hills, north of Detroit.

Although the penny press is in the store when it first opened, it is now in the paid admission area. If there is a token machine, It is not in the free area either.

Also not allowed in without children.

Machine 1 designs are:
1) Knight with sword and shield,
2) Football player #12 with football,
3) Race car driver with helmet and trophy,
4) Girl singer with a microphone.

Token machine 1 designs all have 'Legoland Discovery Center' on them. Designs are:
1) Cheerleader,
2) Wizard looking at book holding globe
3) Auto Mechanic,
4) Man with musical instrument.
Back- All have 'Legoland Discovery Center, Motor City Michigan', Race car

9/25/23 - Also not allowed in without children.
You have to pay for admission to get to both machines. I would have to pay another admission to get to it. 12/20/2023 Token machine working.

1/4/2025 Penny machine is out of order, has moved to the other side of the entrance to the snack area, and is now a pre-loaded machine. Pennies are $1 each. (Tressa)

Machine 1

Token Machine