Darwinweg 2 Leiden, Netherlands, 2333 CR Phone: 071 751 96 00 Website Our scientific research aims to understand the development of biodiversity and the interaction between species. The natural history collection of Naturalis Biodiversity Center is the 5th largest in the world with 37 million objects.
Machine 3: 3 designs of dino's, on ground flour, before ticket control.
1) Gorgosaurus,
2) Stegosaurus,
3) T-Rex
Retired 1: 1) Wolf, 2) Elephant, 3) Dolphins.
Retired 2: 1) Mammoth skeleton, 2) T-Rex skeleton, 3) Triceratops.
7/15/23: One machine with 3 designs of dino's, on ground flour, before ticket controle. No pictures yet. |