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Palace of the Grand Dukes of Lithuania Machine Locations > Lithuania

Katedros a. 3
Vilnius, Lithuania, 01100

Phone: +370 5 260 8947


The Palace of the Grand Dukes of Lithuania (Lithuanian: Lietuvos Didžiosios Kunigaikštystes valdovu rumai) is a palace in Vilnius, Lithuania.
It was originally constructed in the 15th century for the rulers of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania and the future Kings of Poland. The palace, located in the lower castle of Vilnius, evolved over the years and prospered during the 16th and mid-17th centuries. For four centuries the palace was the political, administrative and cultural centre of the Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth.
It was demolished in 1801. Work on a new palace started in 2002 on the site of the original building and it took 16 years to complete it in 2018. A part of the reconstructed palace is now a museum.

The machine is located at the entrance to the museum (underground floor). Cost: 1 euro, presses 5 euro cents. The designs are:
1) Crown of the Grand Duke / Logo of the museum,
2) Grand Duchess Barbora Radvilaite,
3) Grand Duke Žygimantas Augustas,
4) Palace of the Grand Dukes of Lithuania.

04/02/25 - Once again, still there and working great.

Machine 1