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Waiola Shave Ice Machine Locations > Hawaii

2135 Waiola Street
Oahu - Honolulu, HI , 96826

Phone: (808) 949-2269


Waiola Shave Ice has been serving the best shave ice in Honolulu Hawaii for decades. We have thousands of different shave ice flavor combinations so you're bound to find something your Favorite.
Great selection of tee shirts and stickers in addition to great tasting shave ice!! This is the Original store.

Designs are:
1) 'I Love Waiola Shave Ice'
2) 'Waiola Shave Ice', Logo
3) 'Waiola Shave Ice , Surf', Surfer
4) 'Waiola, Hawaii, Aloha State,

2/14/24 - still here and pressing well on copper

12/20/24: Corrected website to Waiola Shave Ice - site had Rock Island Cafe web address. I added the zip code

Machine 1