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Will Rogers Archway Machine Locations > Oklahoma

Interstate 44
Vinita, OK , 74301

Phone: 405-425-3600

The arch is near mile marker 288 of Will Rogers Turnpike on Interstate 44. This is the old site of the "Worlds Largest McDonald's".

Each design costs $1.00 in quarters. Once the coins are loaded, just push a button to select the design.

The machine is in the upper level next to the gift shop and can be accessed 24hrs a day. The 3 designs are:
1) Will Rogers Archway, Vinita, Oklahoma, image of the archway
2) I never met a man I didn't like, Will Rogers, image of Will Rogers
3) Oklahoma Route 66 highway sign image, Vinita, Oklahoma.

10/12/24 Quarter machine and not pennies. Tried the archway design and it only printed on half the quarter. Don’t waste your money.

Machine 1