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Ashridge Estate Machine Locations > England

Moneybury Hill, Ringshall, Near Berkhamsted
HERTFORDSHIRE - Berkhamstead, England, HP4 1LT

Phone: 01442 851227


10/24/15: This machine is Retired.

Ashridge Estate is a 2,000 hectare (5,000 acres) area of the Chiltern Hills with beech and oak woodlands, commons and chalk downlands. These very different landscapes each support a rich variety of wildlife, including carpets of bluebells in spring, rare butterflies in summer and the fallow deer that rut in autumn.

A working estate

We took on the Ashridge Estate in 1926 and we manage the landscape as a working estate, continuing 3,000 years of tradition. We use livestock to help look after the diverse habitats on the downlands and our foresters fell timber to ensure the health of the woodland. Keep an eye out for both two and four legged conservation team members during your visit, our human ones will be happy to answer questions on our work.

Bridgewater Monument

Built in 1832 in tribute to the third Duke of Bridgewater's canal building success, this Grade II listed monument rewards those who climb its 172 steps with a view over seven counties.
In late spring the woods are covered in a fine display of bluebells.

Details uploaded by David Miller,

Retired 1