- The official website for elongated pennies, penny books and penny machines Penny Men CTM Group
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Museum of Childhood - Edinburgh Machine Locations > Scotland

42 High St, Royal Mile,
Edinburgh , Scotland, EH1 1TG

Phone: 0131 529 4142


The Museum of Childhood is a fun day out for the whole family. Young people can learn about the children of the past and see a fantastic range of toys and games, while adults enjoy a trip down memory lane.

Young people and adults will enjoy finding out about growing up through the ages, from toys and games to health and school days. Hands-on activities, including a puppet theatre and dressing up area, together with our fantastic museum shop, help to make your visit a memorable one.

Monday-Saturday 10am - 5pm
Sunday 12pm - 5pm

The machine is single die in an acrylic cabinet and is electrically operated. Each penny costs £1

1) ... Three children and a Pram

Details uploaded by David Miller,

22/3/25 machine rolls well, . No long tail as shown in the photo.
Requires £1 and 1p but other than the coin slide it’s fully automated (NB).

Machine 1