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Economy Museum at the Federal Reserve Bank of St Louis Machine Locations > Missouri

1 Federal Reserve Bank Plaza
St. Louis, MO , 63102

Phone: +13144447309

1/15/15: This machine is Gone!

4/05/24: The museum is now called the Economy Museum at the Federal Reserve Bank of St Louis. There is no penny press machine here. KLF. TEC # 5521

\ In the late 1980's, this single die machine was in this money museum that was on the fourth floor of the mercantile bank building downtown. It was really cool with life size mannequins of Benjamin Franklin. The face was blank but you would push a button and a projector would shine and make the face look like it was speaking. When mercantile went under in the early 1990's, (or was sold or whatever), all of the contents were donated to Washington University for a museum they have. The local penny press company took back the machine but the die ring went with the contents of the museum. I have contacted the curator several times over the years and he always says he is looking for it but he has never found it. (nina)

Design was Ben Franklin bust, Museum name around top, City under bust.

9/1/2019 This machine has been donated to The Elongated Collectors club and is in the process of being repaired. (Bob TEC #4915)

Machine 1