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Temp 134 Gift Shop Machine Locations > California

72157 Baker Boulevard / P.O. Box 134
Baker, CA , 92309-0134

Phone: (760) 733-4747


The World's Tallest Thermometer is a landmark located in Baker. It stands 134 feet tall and it is capable of displaying a maximum temperature of 134, which commemorates the World record 134 degrees Fahrenheit (57 degrees Celsius) heat measurement recorded in nearby Death Valley on July 10, 1913.

Hours of operation: Monday through Friday 10:00 am to 5:00 pm, Saturday 9:00 am to 6:00 pm and Sunday 9:00 am to 5:00 pm. Call ahead as their hours can, and often are, extended from the hours posted here.
The 3/4 size PennyCollector Elongated Coin Collector Album fourth edition that holds 20 pennies is for sale here for $5.00 plus tax. The Pennybandz key chain is for sale here for $5.00 plus tax. The commemorative medallion is for sale in the gift shop.
Plenty of free parking.

Alien Fresh Jerky, which is on the opposite side of the street 1000 feet to the north, also has 1 penny machine. The Country Store is just 2 shops away on the same side of the street has a penny machine also. (Baker's a small town)

The penny machine is to the right as you enter, in the back against the wall just before the restrooms. Cost to press: $1.01 each design. Designs all with '134':
1. (H) 'Worlds Tallest Thermometer'.
2. (V) A vulture wearing sunglasses sitting on an egg.
3. (V) A thermometer bursting through clouds below.
4. (H) 'Worlds Hottest Day July 10, 1913'.
Reverse design: 'Baker CA'.

G.P.S. coordinates: Latitude: N35° 15' 59.004" Longitude: W116° 4' 21.939"
Google Maps coordinates: 7W8G+HV Baker, California

11/23/24: Rolling okay on copper pennies. RK

Inside in back of store by restrooms

PennyCollector 20 coin penny book fourth edition $5.00 plus tax

Third Edition Penny Collector book

Commemorative Collectible Medallion