601 Dundee Ave East Dundee, IL , 60118 Phone: 847.426.6751 Website Santa's Village Azoosment & Water Park is a theme park, water park & zoo all rolled into one! It was originally built by Glenn Holland, who also built two other Santa's Villages, in California; one located in San Bernardino County and the other in Santa Cruz County.
Just North of I-90 at the corner of Rt.25 & Rt.72 •
Machine 3 (2021) is located in the lobby of Parakeet's Paradise Aviary. There are 3 designs;
1) Santa's Village logo,
2) The Santa Springs logo,
3) Our mascot, Buttons.
Retired Designs
Retired 1A: 1) 'Three World's of Santa's Village Dundee, IL', Three heads with hats over saying over City State
Retired 1B: 1) 'Santa's Village Dundee', bust of Santa.
Retired 2: 1) 'Cyclone’ logo, 2) Princess, 3) ’Santa’s Village' Logo
5/115 Retired 2 is a 3-die hand crank and was installed.
7/21/21: Machne 3 designs installed.
2/28/25 Machine is working but all 3 pennies are pressing short.