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Science Central Machine Locations > Indiana

1950 N. Clinton St.
Fort Wayne, IN


Spark your imagination at Science Central! Inside Fort Wayne's first publicly-run electric utility, the City Power & Light plant, explore 200+ fun, interactive exhibits and live science demonstrations! Unique exhibits include Science On a Sphere, where you can see the Earth from space; Kids Central, the early-learners area; and the High Rail Bike, suspended three-stories over the ground. With new exhibits opening almost every month and a temporary traveling exhibition gallery that is updated three times a year, there is is always something new and exciting to see at Science Central!

One handcranked machine with 4 designs right inside entrance, beside gift shop

Machine 2 designs are:
1. Fred the Mastodon,
2. City Lights & Power,
3. Science on a Sphere,
4. High Rail Bike.

Retired 1: 1) (H) Text: "Science Central. Design, 2) (H) Man on motorbike on pier with sailboat in water, 3) (H) Frog giving Peace sign (no text). Design, 4) (V) Family building an arch (text: "Science Central")

3/23/23: Machone is still there and working fine.

Machine 2

Retired 1

Unknown year design