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Indianapolis Zoo Machine Locations > Indiana

1200 West Washington Street
Indianapolis, IN , 46222

Phone: (317) 630-2001


The zoo is divided into 4 zones or their 'Biome': Deserts, Encounters, Forests, Oceans and Plains. These distinct areas present approximately 1,400 animals and about 31,000 plants together in simulated natural habitats. The Zoo recreates the natural environments from the Antarctic land of the Penguins to the realm of the king of the beasts, the majestic African Lions, a visit to the Zoo is like a trip around the world.
The zoo is very maneuverable in a simple loop.

Machine 1 is located is located at the dolphin dome outside the exit. (#1 on machine)
Designs are: Walrus, Polar Bear, Dolphin, Dog with Dolphin.

Machine 2 is located at the west exit to the forest area across from the cafe on the commons (#3 on machine):
Designs are: Lemur, Bear, Tiger, Eagle.

Machine 3: is at the exit of the Ocean Building,
Seahorse, Penguin, Jellyfish, Shark.

Machine 7 is located in the Oceans building just as you exit the shark petting area. Designs are:
I touched a shark, Moray Eel, Clown Fish, Sea Lion.

Machine 9 is located in plains next to the warthogs: (#2 on machine):
Designs are: Cheetah, African Wild Dogs, White Rhino, Warthog

Machine 10 is in the Orangutan building
Designs are: Butterflies , Turtle, Train, Flowers ).

Machine 11 is by front gift shop: (#6 on machine).
Designs are: Bats, Gibbon, Otter, Red Panda

Token Machine 2 (2015), All have the Zoo Logo on the back. It is in Desert Building. Designs are:
Designs are: Elephant, Flamingo, Orangutan, Rhinocerous

Token Machine 3 (2015), All have the Zoo logo on the back. It is at the exit to the oceans building:
Designs are: Penguin, Tiger head, Dolphins, Walruses.

Retired Machines:

Retired 4: Lion, Rhino, Giraffe, Baboon
Retired 5: Butterfly, White River Gardens Logo, Train
Retired 6: Elephant, Pony, Iguana, Meerkat
Retired 8: Llama, Goat, Donkey, Pony,

Retired Token Machine 1 (2011), Bottlenose Dolphins, Penguins, Amur Tiger head

Other Retired 1: 1) Animal over logo, 2) 'Drop Dead Gorgeous Snakes', 3) Polar Bear, 4) Lion head, 5) Elephant & Baby, 6) Giraffe, 7) Bear standing, 8) Cheetah, 9) Penguin, 10) Mandrill, 11) Frog, 12) Seahorse, 13) Dolphins.
Other Retired 2: 1) Horse.

They also sell penny books(they say "penny passport'' on the front of the book and has 44 spaces)

9-14-2024 - All machines are preloaded zinc and cost $1 each.
Machine 2 was charging and not dispensing coins.
Machine 9 had an out of order sign on it.

Machine 1 - is located is located at the dolphin dome outside the exit

Machine 2 - is located at the west exit to the forest area across from the cafe on the commons

Machine 3 - is at the exit of the Ocean Building

Machine 9 -is located in plains next to the warthogs

Machine 10 - (zoo #5 on machine) White River Gardens 2012

Machine 11 - is by front gift shop (zoo #6 on machine)

Machine 7 - Oceans Shark Petting area exit

Token machine 2 - 2015

Token machine 3 - 2015

Retired Token machine 1 - 2011

Retired 4, 5 White River Gardens, 6 & Single

Retired 8

Older Retired A

Older Retired B