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Aikman Wildlife Adventure (Was Rockome Gardens) Machine Locations > Illinois

125 N. Co. Rd. 425 E.
Arcola, IL , 61910

Phone: 217-268-3500


Located between Arthur and Arcola, less than 6 miles west from Interstate 57 exit 203, this is a wildlife drive-thru park where you can get up close and personal with animals you’ve only seen behind fencing at a zoo or on television. You’ll have the opportunity to see and take pictures of animals right out of your vehicle while you drive the 1-mile long path through our Drive-Thru..

Rockome Gardens closed in 2015

Drive-thru Only ~ $25/vehicle
Drive-through Adventure (includes Walk-through) $11.00 ~ 13 years and up, $8.00 ~ 3 – 12 years old.

Hours are:
Thursday through Saturday and Monday 10-4pm and Sunday 12-4pm with weather permitting.

There is one 1-die machine is inside the park in the gift shop. Ask the ticket seller and you may be allowed in to use the machine without paying admission.

Design is:
1) Rockome Gardens Arcolo, IL', A buggy pulled by a horse with trees on each side.

07/15/22: They did a mail away for me. Still has the same design from the former Rockome Gardens. His rolled shorter than the picture on copper. Nice staff. JLT

1/27/2022 - This is the machine that used to be at Rockome Gardens in Arcola. It is the same address, don't know when the name was changed.

What is the 2025 update??

Machine 1