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Brookfield Zoo Machine Locations > Illinois

8400 31st St (Between W 31st St and Golf View Rd)
Brookfield, IL , 60513

Phone: (708) 485-2200


1/03/17: Site revised. GSY

The Brookfield Zoo covers an area of 216 acres and about 2300 animals from about 450 species.
Brookfield Zoo, also known as Chicago Zoological Park, opened on July 1, 1934, and quickly gained international recognition for using moats and ditches, instead of cages, to separate animals from visitors and from other animals. The zoo was also the first in America to exhibit giant pandas, one of which (Su Lin) has been taxidermied and put on display in Chicago's Field Museum of Natural History. In 1960, Brookfield Zoo built the nation's first fully indoor dolphin exhibit, and in the 1980s the zoo introduced Tropic World, the first fully indoor rain forest simulation and the then-largest indoor zoo exhibit in the world.

Machine #3 At Coast gifts:
Designs are: 1) Eagle, 2) Penguin (2015), 3) Wolf

Machine #4 By the Carousel.
Designs are: 1) Carousel Giraffe, 2) Carousel Elephant, 3) Carousel Lion

Machine #6 - Inside the Wildlife Trading Post on the other side of the door adjacent to Machine #2
Designs are: 1) Bat, 2) Butterfly, 3) Rhino

Machine #7 - Just after the Woof-field Gifts side by side in a hallway.
Designs are: 1) Leopard on a branch, 2) Peacock (2015), 3) Rhino

Machine #8: at Great Bear Wildernes, Designs are:
1) Bear Standing, 2) Polar Bear, 3) Buffalo

Machine #10 - Inside the Stuffed Animal Kingdom Shop just inside the North Gate entrance
Designs are: 1) Giraffe head, 2) Wombat, 3) Zebra

Machine #12 (Zoo machine 2/ 2016) outside Seven Seas Gift Shop:
Designs are: 1) Frog, 2) Kangaroo, 3) Lion, 4) Dolphin

Machine #13 (2016) outside Wildlife Trading Post:
Designs are: 1) Alligator, 2) Ape, 3) Giraffe, 4) Zebra

Machine #14 (2016) outside Bear Crossing Gift Shop :
Designs are: 1) Eagle, 2) Lemur, 3) Penguin, 4) Wolf

Retired designs
Retired #1: 1) Elephant standing facing right
Retired #2: 1) Alligator (2015), 2) Gorilla, 3) Ring-tailed Lemur (2015).
Retired #5: 1) Two Dolphins jumping, 2) Tiger Laying down, 3) Turtle
Retired #9: 1) A Scorpion, 2) A Spider, 3) A 6-legged bug. ('Extreme Bugs' exhibit Removed after Halloween 2012)
Retired #11: 1) Raptor & Stegosaurus, 2) T-Rex, 3) Pterodactyl.
Other Retired:
1) (H) 'GREAT BEAR WILDERNESS', four bears walking right in a row under location name over Zoo name.

Zoo has a Brookfield Zoo Souvenir Coin Album for $6.95. Holds 36 pennies and 8 (larger) spots. Includes Lemur penny only available in the cover of the book. {penny collector book}

11-27-21: Machine by carousel not working.

3-18-25 Machine 14 outside of Bear Crossing Gift Shop is not working, coin slot device is jammed into the delivery position, can't pull it back out.
Did not check any other machines because we already have the pennies but it was a beautiful day to walk around the zoo. Jim & Paula

Machine 4 - by the carouse

Machine 3 - Coast gifts

Machine 6 - Inside the Wildlife Trading Post on the other side of the door adjacent to Machine #2

Machine 7 - Just West of Reptiles and Birds

Machine 10 - inside the Stuffed Animal Kingdom Shop

Machine 12 (2016) outside Seven Seas Gift Shop

Machine 13 (2016) outside Wildlife Trading Post Machine

Machine 14 (2016) outside Bear Crossing Gift Shop

Penny Book 2

Penny Book 1

Retired 2, 8, 9 & 11

Retired & Great Bear Wilderness Gift Shop Retired

Retired 5