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Ohio Turnpike @ Glacier Hills Machine Locations > Ohio

Mile 237 Eastbound
New Springfield, OH , 44443


Service areas on the Ohio turnpike are only accessible in one direction. You have to travel the turnpike twice to get to all the machines 12 total. 6 each way. All $1 machines.

Machine 2 Glacier Hills 2017 $1 each. Designs are:
1) National Packard Museum, Warren Ohio
2) State of Ohio's Seal
3) Cardinal Bird, State of Ohio
4) Glacier Hills Ohio

Retired 1 Glacier Hill designs were: 1) Lanterman S Mill Youngstown, Ohio, 2) Ohio scenic bridges, 3) Ohio History Center Columbus Ohio: Mammoth, 4) Arms Family Museum Youngstown, Ohio

1/17: New Machine 2 (2017) was installed here.

\ 3/16/2021- The machine is in the main entrance, needs crisp dollars, the machine has zine pennies and still cost $1 dollar, Rolls fine.

Machine 2 (2017)

Retired 1