- The official website for elongated pennies, penny books and penny machines Penny Men CTM Group
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Fisherman's Wharf - Pier 15 & 16 - Exploratorium Machine Locations > California

Pier 15 & 16 on Embarcadero
San Francisco, CA , 94123

Phone: (415) EXP-LORE


Lots of learning and fun things to do for the children. A very fun place to visit, plan to stay a long time!

The machines only accepts $1 bills (No Quarters) and only presses on a preloaded shinny Zinc penny.

Machine 6: 2017 All have Exploritorium Logo on them. The machine is just inside the Entry/Exit lobby outside the Gift Shop. Designs are:
1) 'DNA' Strand,
2) Cow Eye Dissection,
3) 'Geared up for Science', Head with gears in it,
4) 'Pier 15 San Francisco', Image of Pier sign..

Retired machines:
Retired 1) Building facade - “Exploratorium -San Francisco” (H),
Retired 2) Person/Vase Illusion “Exploratorium -San Francisco” (V)
Retired 3: 1) Science of Sports, skateboard, 2) Science of Sports, baseball player, 3) Tactile Dome, 4) Life
Retired 4: Tactile Dome, The Science of Baseball, Big chair little chair, Living systems
Retired 5: Science of sports Baseball, Science of Sports skateboard, Tactile Dome, Traits of Life.

6/17: A new $1.00 preloaded Zinc Pennyman 4 design machine was installed here. GSY

12/31/24: Machine wasn't working when I visited, December 2024, but they sold me already pressed zinc pennies in the gift shop. No admission required for the machine or front gift shop.

Machine 6 - 2017 - In entrance hallway past Gift Shop

Retired 5

Retired 1 & 2

Retired 3

Retired 4