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Creative Discovery Museum Machine Locations > Tennessee

321 Chestnut Street
Chattanooga, TN , 37402

Phone: (423) 756-2738


5-minute loading zone parking on Chestnut Street in front of museum

Machine 2 4 die machine is outside the gift shop. You can get to it without having to pay admission to the museum. Designs are:
1) T-Rex skeleton
2) Tower with a flag on top
3) Tug boat
4) 'My Art Studio' with easel and smiling child

Retired 1 Designs were: (V) gears and such, (H) Violin with musical notes, (V) dinosaur skeleton head. All say "Creative Discovery Museum."

11/25/24: Still works perfectly, giving full rolls. 5-minute loading zone parking on Chestnut Street in front of museum.

Machine 2

Retired 1