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Pabst Mansion Machine Locations > Wisconsin

2000 West Wisconsin Avenue
Milwaukee, WI , 53233

Phone: 414-931-0808


The Pabst Mansion was once the home to Captain Frederick Pabst (1836-1904), founder of the Pabst Brewing Company.Captain Pabst. The Pabst family lived at the mansion from 1892 until 1908, when the Archdiocese of Milwaukee purchased the mansion. For the next 67 years, five Archbishops as well as many priests and sisters lived at the Pabst mansion. In 1978, Wisconsin Heritages, Inc., purchased the mansion, opening it to the public in May of that year. Until the purchase, the mansion had been slated to be demolished to make way for a parking structure.
The mansion was the set for a series of 1980 Boston Store holiday commercials. The mansion was also briefly pictured during season 4 of the television sitcom 'How I Met Your Mother' as the childhood home of the character Robin Scherbatsky in the 2008 episode "Happily Ever After".

The pennies are two-sided. The reverse of all designs is Designs are:
1) Captain Pabst
2) Pabst Mansion
3) Capt. Pabst Ship - The Comet
4) Pabst Logo 9/11/24. The penny machine with the four pictured designs is in the gift shop next to the mansion.

Machine 1