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Gurnee Mills Mall - Rainforest Cafe Machine Locations > Illinois

6170 West Grand Avenue
Gurnee, IL , 60031

Phone: 847-855-7800


The machine is in the Gift Shop. And, they have the Second Edition Book available to purchase. 1st Edition Penny Books are available at!

Machine 2 is in the gift shop near the photo booth. Designs are:
1) Happy jumping frog,
2) Frog head over name,
3) Mccaw flying up left.
4) Gorilla on all four facing right.

Retired 1: 1) Butterfly, 2) Frog laying on name, 3) Mccaw flying up left, 4) Gorilla on all four facing right.

8/10/24: The machine was jammed. The cashier said the vendor would be in next week to fix it. #5658
3/22/25 I called ahead to make sure machine was working, was assured it was. Drove 30 miles, coin slot jammed in and the machine not working. The cashier said she would report it. The same four designs as below.

Machine 3

Retired 1 - Special Coin

Penny Book 1st and 2nd Editions

Retired 2