- The official website for elongated pennies, penny books and penny machines Penny Men CTM Group
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Michael I. Mochizuki Machine Locations > Private Rollers

98-1998 Hapaki Street, Aiea, HI
MM, Private Rollers, 96701-1639

Phone: N/A


If you are interested in a listing of elongated coins that I have produced, send an email request to and I will send you 4 pdf files listing all the issues through 2019; one file shows graphics of the different elongates These files are updated in January of each year for the previous years issues.



2022 and newer.
Mele Kalikimaka Through the Years 2010 to 2023 - 14 designs
Designs AW, 2022 - King Kamehameha Day 150th Anniversary 1872-2022, coin & Token.
Designs AX, 2023 - Maui recovered donation designs.
Designs BA, 2023 - Pearl Harbor 82nd Anniversary designs.
Designs BB;:2024 - (At Bottom) Lunar Year of the Dragon (Penny and Poker Chip)
Designs BC, 2024 - (At bottom) Christmas Mouse (Copper penny and Green and Red Poker Chips)

Machine Y: (2017) LIGHTHOUSES OF HAWAII Series IV
Machine Z: (2017) LIGHTHOUSES OF HAWAII Series V
Machine AA: Historic Chinatown I
Machine AB: (2021) Historic Chinatown II (2021)
Designs AC: 2021)
1) First Okinawa Immigrants to Hawaii, Kyuzo Toyama, 120 years1990-2020
2) First Philipino Immigrants to Hawaii, Sakada, 115 Years, 1906 -2021,
3) HSNA 55th Coin Show, Japanese immigration to Kawaii 150 years 1868-2019
Design AE - 2021-2022 'Go For Broke' fund raiser design.
Machine AF - Honouliuli Internment Camp (2021)
Machine AG - 2020 - Hawaiian Transportation Series III
Machine AH - 2021 - Hawaiian Transportation Series IV
Machine AI - 2020 - Hawaiian Transportation Series II
Machine AJ - 2020 - Hawaiian Transportation Series I
Machine AK - 2021 - Hawaiian Transportation Series V, Pioneers
Designs AL - 2020 / 2021 Design singles
Machine AM - Landmarks of Hawaii, Series V.
Design AN - 2017 Hokule'a's (Full Scale Replica of the W'a Kaulau', a Polynesian double hull Voyaging Canoe) worldwide sail homecoming (V) Single design. (100 sets, copper penny, 2017 penny & 2017 nickel, rolled)
Design AO - 2017 Hokule'a's (Full Scale Replica of the 'W'a Kaulau, a Polynesian double hull Voyaging Canoe) 45th Anniversary (1976-2021) voyage from Hawaii to Tahiti. (H) Single design (50 sets, penny & Hawaiian Quarter, rolled)
Design AP - 2017 Hokule'a's (Full-Scale Replica of the W'a Kaulau', a Polynesian double hull Voyaging Canoe) worldwide sail homecoming, rolled on a 1 Polynesie Francaise aluminum Coin (Tahitian coin), (Less than 25 rolled)
Designs AQ - Miscilanious
Designs AR - Like Like Drive Inn, Kau Kau Korner, And 2019 Anniv of Statehood
Machine AS - Landmarks Series IX, 4 designs
Machine AT - 2021 USS Arizona Memorial 80th Anniversary Poker Chips
Machine AU - 2021 USS Arizona Memorial 80th Anniversary multiple coin, token and Poker Chip set.

Hawaiian Police Badges 2018
Hawaii Police Dept, Maui County Police, Honolulu Police, Kaua'i Police.
2017 Hurricane Harvey Red Cross Fund Raiser design. Design is:
1) Aloha ('O' is a star) in middle, Texas upper left, Hawaii lower right, Rope border.
A) Historic Hawaii Statues Elongated Pennies: Series ONE
1) King Kamehameha I: 200th Anniversary of the Unified Hawaiian Islands, 1810-2010
2) King David Kalakaua, The Merrie Monarch, 1836-1891
3) Queen Lili'uokalani, Hawaii's Last Reigning Monarch, 1838-1917
4) Duke Paoa Kahanamoku, Father of Modern Surfing, 1890-1968
King Kamehameha I, King David Kalakaua, Queen Lili'uokalani and Duke Paoa Kahanamoku were heroic figures in Hawaii's history.
Queen Ka'ahumanu, Princess Victoria Ka'iulani, Princess Bernice Pauahi Bishop and Queen Consort Kapi'olani were heroic women in Hawaii's history. They are honored today with Iconic Hawaii statues.
1) Queen Elizabeth Ka'ahumanu, 1768-1832, Queen Regent of the Kingdom of Hawaii
2) Princess Victoria Ka'iulani, 1875-1899, "The Peacock Princess"
3) Princess Bernice Pauahi Bishop, 1831-1884, Founder of Kamehameha Schools
4) Queen Consort Kapi'olani - Kulia I Ka Nu'u - "Strive for the Highest"
Machine C - Notable Entertainers of Hawaii and their statues.
1) Alfred Apaka,
2) Gabby Pahinui,
3) Jack Lord,
4) Elvis Presley
D) Hokule'a - 1976 Inaugural Voyage, HAWAIIAN ELONGATED PENNY, 1976-2011 The 35th Anniversary of the First Hokule'a Voyage
Hokule'a is a performance-accurate full-scale replica of a wa'a kaulua, a Polynesian double-hulled voyaging canoe. Launched on March 8, 1975 by the Polynesian Voyaging Society, she is best known for her 1976 Hawai'i to Tahiti inaugural voyage using only Polynesian navigation techniques, without modern instruments. Hokule'a was part of the United States Bicentennial celebration.
Her last completed voyage began January 19, 2007, when Hokule'a left Hawai'i with the voyaging canoe Alingano Maisu on a voyage through Micronesia and ports in southern Japan. On April 5, 2009 Hokule'a returned to Honolulu for Hokule'a's eventual circumnavigation, currently planned to commence in 2012. When not on a voyage, Hokule'a is moored at the Marine Education Training Center (META) of Honolulu Community College in Honolulu.
Prince Jonah Kuhio, Akebono, Israel Kamakawiwo'ole and Elvis Presley are important men in Hawaii's history. They are honored today with Iconic Hawaii Statues.
1) Prince Jonah Kuhio, 1871 - 1922 - A Prince of the People - "Ke Ali'i Makaainana"
2) Akebono - Yokozuna - Grand Sumo Champion 1993
3) Israel Kamakawiwo'ole, 1959 - 1997 - "Bruddah IZ" - Hawaiian Musician
4) Elvis Presley, 1935 - 1977 - "Aloha from Hawaii" Comeback Concert 1973 - Honolulu, Hawaii.
'Iolani Palace, Ali'iolani Hale, The Hawai'i State Capitol and Kawaiaha'o Church are important buildings in Hawaii's history.
1) 'Iolani Palace, Official Residence of Hawaii's Monarchy, 1883
2) Ali'iolani Hale, Judiciary Building, Hawaii State Supreme Court, 1874
3) Hawai'i State Capitol, Honolulu, HI, dedicated 1969
4) Kawaiaha'o Church, Westminster Abbey of Hawai'i, 1842
Waialua Ag. Co. #6, ‘Ewa #1 E.P. Co., O.R. & L. #6 “Kauila”, and O.R. & L.’s Terminal Building played important roles in Oahu’s Railroad history.
1) Waialua Agricultural Company’s Locomotive No. 6 - 1919
2) ‘Ewa Plantation Company’s Locomotive Ewa No. 1 - 1890
3) Oahu Railway and Land Company’s Locomotive #6 “Kauila”
4) Oahu Railway and Land Company’s Honolulu Terminal Building - 1925
H) 2010, 2011 2016 & 2017 “Mele Kalikimaka” Hawaiian Elongated Pennies Mele Kalikimaka is the Hawaiian way to say “Merry Christmas”
“Mele Kalikimaka” is the Hawaiian phrase meaning “Merry Christmas.” The phrase is borrowed directly from English, but, since the Hawaiian language does not possess the “r” or “s” of English, “Merry Christmas” becomes “Mele Kalikimaka.” The phrase also became a popular hapa haole song written in 1949 by R. Alex Anderson. It has since been recorded by several artists, including Don Ho, the Beach Boys, and Jimmy Buffett.
I) 2011 “The Aloha Project” Hawaii Japan Elongated Penny. Helping Japan Recover and Rebuild.
The American Red Cross for the Japan Earthquake and Pacific Tsunami has committed $163.5 million to date; with $160 million going to its primary partner – the Japanese Red Cross to help Japan recover and rebuild. The program will benefit approximately 280,000 people in the end.
For a donation of $5.00 (+ a self-addressed stamped envelope) to the American Red Cross for the Japan Earthquake and Pacific Tsunami, we will send you a pair of our new elongated pennies, one colorized to reflect the flag of Japan and one plain.

Please make checks payable to: AMERICAN RED CROSS. ALL PROCEEDS GO TO THE AMERICAN RED CROSS. The 2011 Hawaii Japan Aloha Penny!
J) Historic Buildings of Hawaii Series II – Oahu’s Historic Hotels.
1) The Moana Hotel,
2) The Royal Hawaiian Hotel,
3) The Alexander Young Hotel
4) The Hale'iwa Hotel
They all played important roles in Oahu’s tourist history. They are honored today with new elongated penny designs.
K) SPOOKAPALOOZA 2011 & 2012.
A limited edition elongated penny has been produced for the Hawaiian Railway Society’s annual train-ride Halloween Event, “Spookapalooza”.
The elongated penny features the WACO #6 locomotive (Waialua Agricultural Company) which was restored several years ago and is located at the Hawaiian Railway Society museum on Oahu.
L) Historic Railroads of Hawaii. Series II – OAHU 2011.
Historic Railroads of Hawaii, Series II. This 4-set series features two cars from Oahu Railway & Land Company, the ‘Ewa Sugar Mill building and the old Hale’iwa Hotel.
1) The Oahu Railway locomotive No. 12 (1912) is a static display at the Hawaiian Railway Society Ewa Museum and is nearing completion, with a new paint job and lettering being applied currently.
2) The Oahu Railway Dillingham Parlor Car No. 64 (1901) was fully restored between 1986 and 1994 and currently is in service on the 2nd Sunday each month.
3) The ‘Ewa Sugar Mill building from the ‘Ewa Plantation Company (1902) is featured on the 3rd penny and the design includes the railway tracks in front of the building.
4) The old Hale’iwa Hotel (1899-1952) was one of the first tourist destinations in the early days of Hawaiian history.
M) - Missouri, Arizona & End of WWII anniversary
N) 2011. “Remember Pearl Harbor” Hawaiian Elongated Coins – Limited Edition Quarter Set 1941-2011 – The 70th Anniversary of Pearl Harbor.
Sunday morning, December 7, 1941, marked the surprise attack on Pearl Harbor and the Island of Oahu, by the naval and air forces of Japan. The most severe loss that day was the USS Arizona, with a total of 1177 lives. The next day, the United States entered WW II by declaring war on Japan. President Franklin D. Roosevelt proclaimed December 7th “a date which will live in infamy”. Throughout the war and after, the cry of “Remember Pearl Harbor” became an inspiration to many Americans.
2011 marks the 70th Anniversary of that fateful day in American History. To help commemorate this significant anniversary, our 70th Anniversary elongated penny has been redesigned and enlarged to fit the USA Quarter. Just 70 sets have been rolled on both the 2008 Arizona and Hawaii State Quarters. The image from the State Quarter design is visible on the reverse side of each elongated quarter. The quarters are mounted on a specially designed information and presentation card.

Designed by Paul Conner, engraved and rolled by Lee and Vicky Bowser.
O) Historic Buildings of Hawaii Elongated Pennies. Series III – MUSEUMS 2011.
This 4-penny set features four museums on the Island of Oahu; the Bernice Pauahi Bishop Museum, the Queen Emma Summer Palace, Washington Place, and the Honolulu Academy of Arts. All play important roles in preserving Hawaiian history.
1) The Bernice Pauahi Bishop Museum, designated the Hawai’i State Museum of Natural and Cultural History, is a museum of history and science in the historic Kalihi district of Honolulu on O’ahu. It was founded in 1889 and is the largest museum in Hawai’i.
2) The Queen Emma Summer Palace served as a retreat for Queen Emma of Hawaii from 1857 to 1885, as well as for her husband King Kamehameha IV, and their son, Prince Albert Edward.
3) Washington Place is the former palace of Queen Lili’uokalani, located in the Historic District of downtown Honolulu. It served as the official residence of the Governor of Hawai’i from 1918-2002, when the current governor’s residence was build and located on the same grounds as Washington Place.
4) The Honolulu Academy of Arts is an art museum in Honolulu. Since it’s founding in 1922 by Anna Rice Cooke and opening April 8, 1927, its collections have grown to over 40,000 works of art.
P) Historic Railroads of Hawaii. Series III – Oahu Railroads - 2012
1) The Oahu Railway & Land Company, the Oahu Sugar Company and the Hawaiian Railway are important parts of Oahu’s Railroad history.
Oahu Railway & Land Company, or OR&L, was a narrow gauge common carrier railroad that served much of Oahu until its dissolution in 1947. The OR&L was founded by Benjamin F. Dillingham, a self-made businessman who arrived in Honolulu as a sailor in 1865.
2) Engine No. 85-Oahu Railway and Land Company was built by the American Locomotive Company in October 1910 at the Cooke Works in Patterson, New Jersey. It was used primarily in passenger service, and during WWII No. 85 was the primary commuter locomotive between Honolulu and Barbers Point. In 1953 she was donated to the Southern California Chapter of the Railway and Locomotive Historical Society and immediately transferred to the City of Los Angeles Travel Town Museum, where she operated under steam until 1961. No. 85 was then acquired by the Lahaina, Kaanapali and Pacific in 1993, then sold to the Hawaiian Railway Society in November 2010 and returned to Honolulu, where she is currently under restoration.
3) The Oahu Sugar Company “Puuloa” No.7 was built by the Baldwin Locomotive Works in Philadelphia in 1901, and retired to a section of track along with OSC #1 next to the Waipahu mill, where they sat until being sold in the 1960’s. Both were shipped to California and No. 7 went to a now defunct tourist railroad, the Camino Cable and Northern Railroad. She returned to Hawaii in the 1970’s and in 1993, the “Puuloa” was moved to the Hawai’i Plantation village in Waipahu and remains on permanent display.
4) The Hawaiian Railway No. 423 is an ex. US Navy locomotive, built by the Whitcomb Locomotive Works in Chicago, Illinois in 1944. No. 423 began service with the US Navy in 1945 and hauled freight between Pearl Harbor and the Naval Ammunition Depot. She was donated by the US Navy to the Hawaiian Railway Society in 1975; along with sister engine Oahu Railway no. 302, and both are currently used to pull the passenger cars on the HRS tours each Sunday. For more information on these train rides, go to:
Q) 2012. Historic Lighthouses of Hawaii Elongated Pennies.
The Hawaiian Islands are some of the most isolated land masses on earth. This new series of elongated coins, is dedicated to the Lighthouses which have helped to guide generations of mariners, and to the men and women of the United States Coast Guard, who are the keepers of these magnificent structures.
1) Diamond Head Lighthouse – Island of O’ahu – 1918.
After 2 ship groundings, the minister of the Interior for the Republic of Hawai’I petitioned the Hawaiian legislature for a light on Diamond Head. The original structure, built in 1899, developed cracks in the structure and the current tower was completed in 1918. It was constructed of reinforced concrete
2) Kawaihae Lighthouse – Big Island of Hawaii – 1915.
The present Kawaihae Lighthouse is a 36 foot pyramidal concrete tower that was erected in 1915.
3) Kalaupapa Lighthouse – Island of Molokai – 1909
This 136 foot concrete tower is Hawai’i’s tallest, and is located at the Hanson’s disease colony.
4) Barbers Point Lighthouse – Island of O’ahu – 1933
This lighthouse is named for Capt. Henry Barber of the brig Arthur, which struck a reef that extends from the southwest tip of the island of Oahu. The Point is now nam,ed after him.
R) 2012. 50th Anniversary of the Dedication of the USS Arizona Memorial, Pearl Harbor, Hawaii.

The construction of the USS Arizona Memorial at Pearl Harbor was completed in 1961 with public funds appropriated by Congress and private donations. The Memorial was dedicated 50 years ago, on May 30, 1962.
A new elongated cent will be released in May 2012 to honor the 50th Anniversary of the Memorial dedication. The design features the USS Arizona Memorial building and the image of the submerged ship. The design also includes “50th Anniversary” and “Dedicated May 30, 1962” and the anniversary years of 1962 and 2012.
S) 50th Anniversary of the Dedication of the USS Arizona Memorial Presentation Cards.
The construction of the USS Arizona Memorial at Pearl Harbor was completed in 1961 with public funds appropriated by Congress and private donations. The Memorial was dedicated 50 years ago, on May 30, 1962.

A new elongated coin design will be released in May 2012 to honor the 50th Anniversary of the Memorial dedication. The design features the USS Arizona Memorial building and the image of the submerged ship. The design also includes “50th Anniversary” and “Dedicated May 30, 1962” and the anniversary years of 1962 and 2012.
A limited edition Presentation Card is available for this anniversary. Each card includes three elongated coins; a Hawaii State quarter, an Arizona State quarter and a 1962 Lincoln penny. The USS Arizona design was rolled on uncirculated coins for this card. Only 50 numbered presentation cards were produced. The coins are mounted in vinyl flips, so they can be lifted to view the state quarter designs on the reverse side on the quarters, and the 1962 date on the penny.
T) Historic Lighthouses of Hawaii Elongated Pennies Series II
The Hawaiian Islands are some of the most isolated land masses on earth. This second series of elongated copper cents, scheduled for release in late June/early July, is dedicated to the Lighthouses which have helped to guide generations of mariners, and to the men and women of the United States Coast Guard, who are the keepers of these magnificent structures.
Designs are:
1) Makapu’u Lighthouse, Island of Oahu, 1909
2) Lahaina Lighthouse, Island of Maui, 1917
3) Nawiliwili Lighthouse, Island of Kauai, 1932
4) Cape Kumukahi Lighthouse, big island of Hawaii, 1934
U) 2012: Aloha!
The Hawaii Law Enforcement Memorial Foundation was formed in February 2010. It was established to honor Hawaii’s law enforcement officers who died in the line of duty. Hawaii is the only state in the nation which does not have a law enforcement memorial. The goal of the Foundation is to raise funds to design, build, and maintain a Hawaii Law Enforcement Memorial. The Memorial will honor Hawaii’s fallen officers from every branch of service: federal, state, local, and military police. Once built, the Memorial will stand as a perpetual tribute to those who selflessly gave of themselves so that the people of Hawaii can live, work, and raise their families in safety and peace.
The State of Hawaii has set aside land on the capitol district and the University of Hawaii’s School of Architecture has submitted an award winning design. Now we need your help to raise $1 million to make the Memorial a reality.

For a donation of $5.00 (plus a self-addressed stamped envelope) to the Hawaii Law Enforcement Memorial Foundation (HLEMF), Michael Mochizuki will send you a pair of new elongated pennies with the HLEMF logo, one rolled on a copper penny, and one rolled on a U.S. nickel. Please remit a check or money order with your donation made payable to: HLEMF, and send to: HLEMF, c/o Michael Mochizuki, P.O. Box 512, Aiea, HI 96701-0512. All proceeds benefit the HLEMF.
V) Historic Lighthouses of Hawaii Elongated Pennies Series III – 2012
The Hawaiian Islands are some of the most isolated land masses on earth. This third series is dedicated to the Lighthouses which have helped to guide generations of mariners, and to the men and women of the United States Coast Guard, who are the keepers of these magnificent structures.
1) Kilauea Point Lighthouse, Kauai, 1913
2) McGregor Point Lighthouse, Maui, 1915
3) Keahole Point Lighthouse, Big Island of Hawaii, 1915
4) Kauhola Point Lighthouse, Big Island of Hawaii, 1933
W) Historic Railroads of Hawaii – Series IV The Kahului Railroad Company – 2012
The Kahului Railroad Company played an important role in the history of Maui.
Featured on the ECs are
1) The K.R.R. locomotives Claus No. 1, built in 1882
2) The K.R.R. No. 12, built in 1929.
3) A third EC bears the KRR logo which was in use from 1881-1966, and a map of the Island of Maui,
4) A fourth EC features an 1894 Parcel Stamp. The Kahului Railroad Company is the only railroad in history to issue such private parcel stamps for use in prepaying freight and parcels.
X) Hokule’a 2012 Statewide Sail April – 2012
Hokule’a is a performance-accurate full-scale replica of a wa’a kaulua, a Polynesian double-hulled voyaging canoe. Launched on March 8, 1975 by the Polynesian Voyaging Society, she is best known for her 1976 Hawai’i to Tahiti inaugural voyage using only Polynesian navigation techniques, without modern instruments.
From April – August 2012, the PVS sailed Hokule’a on a cultural, ecological and educational journey to over 30 stops on the eight main Hawaiian Islands. The crews are also training for the voyage around the world, scheduled to begin in 2013.
8/19/17: Mauna Kea Coin Contest, ASTRO DAY 2017 MEDALS added.
6/14/21: Landmarks Series IX scdan added.

10/28/23: Designs AX and BA added.
Site malfunction occurred (All designs doubled). Fixed and scans re-installed properly. GSY

Designs AX, 2023 - Maui recovered donation designs.(Multipal Coin and Token)

Designs BA, 2023 - Pearl Harbor 82nd Anniversary designs. (Multipal coin & token)

Mele Kalikimaka Through the Years 2010 to 2023

Designs AW (2022) - King Kamehameha Day 150th Anniversary 1872-2022 EC & Token

Designs Y Lighthouses of Hawaii Series IV

Designs Z Lighthouses of Hawaii Series V

Machine A - Historic Hawaii Statues Elongated Pennies- Series ONE

Machine AM - Landmarks of Hawaii, Series V.

Designs AA Historic Chinatown 2 - 2017

Designs AB Historic Chinatown II (2021)

Machine AU - 80th Anniv USS Arizona

Machine B - HISTORIC HAWAII STATUES ELONGATED PENNIES, SERIES II, Notable Women of Hawaii and Their Statues

Machine C - Alfred Apaka, Gabby Pahinui, Jack Lord, & Elvis Presley

Machine D - Like Like Drive Inn, Kau Kau Korner, And Anniv of Statehood


Machine F - Historic Buildings of Hawaii Series 1


Machine H - 2010, 11, 12, 13, 16 & 17 “ Mele Kalikimaka is the Hawaiian way to say “Merry Christmas”

Machine I - 2011 “The Aloha Project” Hawaii Japan Elongated Penny. Helping Japan Recover and Rebuild.

Machine J - Historic Buildings of Hawaii Series II – Oahu’s Historic Hotels. Series II

Machine K - Spookapalooza 2011. & 2012

Machine L - 2011 Historic Railroads of Hawaii. Series II

Machine M - Missouri, Arizona & End of WWII anniv

Machine N - 2011. “Remember Pearl Harbor” Hawaiian Elongated Coins – Limited Edition Quarter Set 1941-2011 – The 70th Anniversary of Pearl Harbor

Machine O - Historic Buildings of Hawaii Elongated Pennies. Series III – MUSEUMS 2011

Machine P - Historic Railroads of Hawaii. Series III – Oahu Railroads 2012

Machine Q - Historic Lighthouses of Hawaii

Machine R - Statues OF Hawaii, Series VI, Notable Leaders of Hawaii

Machine S - 50th & 70th Anniversary USS Arizona

Machine T - Historic Lighthouses of Hawaii Series II

Machine U - The Hawaii Law Enforcement Memorial Foundation

Machine V - Historic Lighthouses of Hawaii Elongated Pennies Series III 2012

Machine W - Historic Railroads of Hawaii – Series IV The Kahului Railroad Company 2012

Machine X - Hokule’a 2012 Statewide Sail April 2012

Machine Y - Misc

Machine Z - Mauna Kea Coin Contest, ASTRO DAY 2017 MEDALS

'Hokule'e' Commerative designs

Designs AC Designs 1, 2 & 3

Designs BB (2024) - Year of the Dragon

Designs BC (2024) - Christmas Mouse