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Cosley Zoo Machine Locations > Illinois

1356 North Gary Avenue
Wheaton, IL , 60187

Phone: 630-665-5534


Cosley Zoo is a zoo in the Wheaton Park District. Admission is free for Wheaton Park District residents and children under the age of 18. Admission for non-resident adults is $5 for ages 18-54 and $4 for ages 55 and over. The zoo, which is situated on 5 acres of land, is built on the site of a historic train station and consists of domestic animals, as well as wildlife that is native to Illinois.

Machine 3: that takes credit cards or cash located outside gift shop. You do NOT put a penny in, it prints out on a piece of metal that is copper color with design on it. The tip of each oval was bent. The designs are: 1) Wolf,
2) Turtle,
3) Racoon,
4) Crane,

Retired machines/ designs:

Retired 1: 1) 'Cosley Animal Farm', Elk.
Retired 2: 1) Bird, 2) Bobcat, 3) Horse head, 4) Otter

On 12. 26 2024 I did a mail off to this places and on 01 10 2025 I receive the new pressed penny and thay look great Rbp 5784 tec

12/15/24: Wanted to update my previous listing yesterday, I don't believe the other two machines are there anymore, did not see any others. (Thanks, GSY).

Machine 3 - Located on front porch of gift shop

Retired 1

Retired 2