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Bass River Sports World, Skull Island Machine Locations > Massachusetts

934 Route 28
South Yarmouth, MA , 02664-5624

Phone: (508) 398-6070


Bass River Sports World is a wonderful complex for family activities: Skull Island Adventure Mini-Golf Course, an arcade of every imaginable game; batting cages and soccer cages; a driving range, and the Go Karts!

The electric three penny machine #2 is located inside the building, in the arcade to the left of the main entrance, across from the ticket counter for prizes.. There is a change machine nearby if you need quarters to operate it.

Machine 2: Designs:
1) 'Skull Island' with skull design.
2) 'Cape Cod', Image of the state.
3) 'My Lucky Penny' with horseshoe design.

Retired 1: 1) 'Skull Island', skull in front of buildings, 2) 'Cape Cod', Lighthouse, 3) 'Best Friends'

4/18/2020 - Machine is still there, working well

Machine 2

Retired 1