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Hermitage (President Andrew Jackson's House) Machine Locations > Tennessee

4580 Rachel's Lane
Hermitage, TN , 37076

Phone: 615-889-2941


The Hermitage is a historical plantation and museum located in Davidson County, 10 miles east of downtown Nashville. The plantation was owned by President Andrew Jackson, the seventh President of the United States, from 1804 until his death at the Hermitage in 1845. Jackson only lived at the property occasionally until he retired from public life in 1837. It is a National Historic Landmark.

Designs are;
1) 'Nashville, Tennessee,
2) 'Andrew Jackson's Tomb,
3) 'Andrew Jackson 7th President of the USA,
4) 'The Hermitage Home of President Andrew Jackson.

9/13: A new Pennycollector 4 design machine was added here.

11/18 The Gift shop has an Eagle Penny book. Price $4.98 ea. Which is cheap. RJC

8/27/23 The Machine is pre-loaded. VG 2/28/25 Only had the eagle penny books.
Is the machine still there???

Machine 1
