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Myrt and Lucy's Chat & Chew Machine Locations > Wisconsin

701 Broadway
Wisconsin Dells, WI , 53965

8/23/2022: The restaurant is closed and for sale. No machine visible on-site. jnm

This one is not a new machine, but rather a new location. It had been once located @ Dockside Gifts (identified as moved machine #3) then it was moved to Wilderness Resort (identified as moved #2) and then here.

Machine 2: designs are:
1. Friends went to Wisconsin Dells,
2. Stand Rock,
3. Water Park Capital of the World,
4. Indian Head.

Retired 1: 1. Jet boat, 2. Duck Tours, 3. Chimney Rock, 4. Stand Rock

3/16/2020: Scan added.

Machine 2

Retired 1