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Waimea Falls Park Machine Locations > Hawaii

59-864 Kamehameha Highway
Oahu - Haleiwa, HI , 96712

Phone: 808-638-7766

Waimea Falls Park is rank amongst some of the best Oahu hikes. This is more like a pleasurable one mile stroll through lush botanical gardens that lead up to the grand Waimea Falls. Still known as the popular Waimea Falls Park, this Oahu waterfall and tropical grounds are now run by the stewards of Waimea Valley Hi’ipaka.

All have 'Waimea Valley' on them. Located near the gift shop as you enter the visitor area. Designs are:
1) 'North Shore, Oahu', valley,
2) 'North Shore, Oahu', Alae Ula', bird,
3) 'Kokia Cookei', flower,
4) 'Monkey Pop', tree.

1/30/2025 - Machine located in the same spot, but all taped up. Coin slot therefore inoperable. Staff said something about 'quarters stuck in the coin slot'. Staff had no other knowledge
2/09/25: Out of Order

Machine 3

Retired Machine 1 & 2