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Boulder Ridge Wild Animal Park Machine Locations > Michigan

8313 Pratt Lake Rd
Alto, MI , 49302

Phone: (616) 868-6711


Boulder Ridge Wild Animal Park features a reptile house, aviary, petting zoo, and a guided safari tour through the park and there are animals as diverse as wallabies, zebras, pythons and lemurs. And you can feed the parakeets or peer into the gator pond and then relax at the picnic pavilion, romp around the playground, or browse the gift shop. This attraction has over 80 acres of exotic wildlife from around the globe.

The pennies all have 'Boulder Ridge Wild Animal Park' on the front with the animal. It also prints the name of the park, website and phone number on the back of the penny.

Machine 1 is located in the Education Center. Designs are:
1) an Alligator,
2) a Zebra,
3) a Lemur
4) a Fennec Fox.
Rear- name of the park, website and phone number.

Machine 2: (2023) in the back corner of the gift shop. It requires either a credit card or one dollar bill, Preloaeded Zinc pennies. Hand Crank. 4 designs.
1) Rhino head,
2) 2 Penguins,
3) An Otter,
4) A Sloth.

Retired Token Machine 1: 1) Zebra, 2) Kangaroo, 3) Wildebeest, 4) Bunturong

6/3/23: NEW machine in the back corner of the gift shop. 4 designs. Rhino head, 2 Penguins, otter, and a sloth.
Machine 1 has been moved to the right of "Boulder Bites" when looking at the counter, just around the corner.

6/28/23 Both machines work well. Tell them you’re a penny collector and you don’t need to pay admission to access Machine 1 by Boulder Bites. MDB

Machine 1

Machine 2

Retired Token Machine 1