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Broken Arrow Trading Company Machine Locations > South Dakota

221 Winter St.
Keystone, SD

6/20/2021 This machine appears to still exist, located at South Dakota Gifts & Souvenirs, right next to the entrance inside (Keystone Mall, right next to Rattlesnake Jake's). The machine I found there has the same designs shown here, so I presume it's the same one.

7/28/20 this business is no longer there, and machine is gone. DWT

This is a hand-crank, 4 penny machine. It was out in front of the store (during store operating hours). It's on wheels so it can be easily moved, so it does tend to move while cranking it.

Cost is $.51. Designs are:
1) Broken Arrow Trading Company (H)
2) Mount Rushmore (H)
3) Buffalo Head (V)
4) Prairie Dog(V)

The store is closed for the winter season from October to April. The whole darn town closes for the winter season.

Machine 1