1400 Patten Road Lookout Mountain, GA , 30750 Phone: 800-854-0675 Website Rock City will amaze you...it's in our nature! Located atop Lookout Mountain, six miles from downtown Chattanooga, Rock City is a true marvel of nature featuring massive ancient rock formations, gardens with more than 400 different native plant species, and panoramic views 1,700 feet above sea level. Rock City's Enchanted Trail includes a 100-foot waterfall and Swing-A-Long bridge..
See 7 States in panoramic views.
You have to pay admission to get to the penny machines.
Machine 6: is outside the Woodland Wonders gift shop as you enter on the left. Designs are:
1) 'Swing-a-Long Bridge; Rock City' with design of people on bridge,
2) 'Beautiful Rock City Gardens' with hydrangea,
3) 'Rock City Fairyland Caverns' with dog and girl holding picnic basket,
4) Gnome (Need scan of design on plain white background)
Machine 7: 2022 Need scan of designs on a plain white background. Near where you see seven states. Designs are:
1) see Rock City Barn
2) see seven states arrows
3) Lookout Mountain bird house
4) Lover’s Leap
Token Machine 1 is behind Lover's Leap and the seven state flags. It accepts credit cards. The tokens are $3 each. Designs are:
1) Lover's Leap
2) See Seven States
3) Gnome on swing
Rear- Rock City logo.
Retired machines/ designs:
Retired 1: 1) 'I Saw Rock City', 2) Rock City Best Friends', 3) 'Rock City Lookout Mountain, GA', Building with name on roof, 4) Rock City', rope bridge.
Retired 2: 1) 'Rock City Garden', cartoon animal, 2) 'Rock City Garden, Lovers Leap', falls, 3) 'Rock City' round logo, 4) ???.
Retired 3: 1) 'Rock City Lookout Mountain, Georgia', Building with name on roof, 2) (H) 'Rock City Lookout Mountain, Georgia', Building with name on roof, 3) 1) Rock City Lookout Mountain, Georgia', rainbow logo, 4) 1) Rock City My Lucky Penny',
Retired 4: Need Scan of designs on a plain white background. 1) 'I Saw Rock City', 2) 'Rock City', logo, 3) 'Rock City', on the roof of the barn, 4) 'See Seven States, KY-VA, NC, SC, GA, Tenn, NA',
Retired 5: 1) 'I Saw Rock City, rock structure, 2) 'The Rock City', campsite, 3) 'Rock City, Best Friends, 4) 'Rock City', Suspension Bridge/ Rear 'See Rock City'
Retired 6: 1) Swing Along Bridge, Rock City, 2) Rock city Fairyland, 3) Beautiful Rock City Gardens, 4) ???
01/22/23: Both machines are in the same locations. There are 2 token machines next to each other at Lover's Leap. Both seemed to have the same 3 designs. I was fortunate to get 1 copper penny out of the zinc machines. The admission for winter is a little cheaper, $17.99 + tx. Parking is free. JLT
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