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Brevard Clay Machine Locations > North Carolina

16 W. Main
Brevard, NC , 28712

Brevard is known as the land of waterfalls and is also famous for the White Squirrels in the area so those are two of the four images. There is also an image of Bevard College and nationally renouned Brevard Music Center

The machine is on street level in front of Brevard Clay formaly Southern Comfort Music formerly Celestial Mountain Music on West Main street just a few doors down from the White Squirrel Shop which is on the corner of the town square.

Designs are:
1) Waterfall
2) White Squirrels
3) An image of Bevard College
4) Brevard Music Center

6/25/21: There is a sign in the window of Brevard Clay that says the penny machine has moved to the Brevard Visitors Center.

Machine 1