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West Virginia State Museum Culture Center Machine Locations > West Virginia

1900 Kanawha Boulevard East (Bldg 9)
Charleston, WV , 25305

Phone: 304-558-0220


The State Museum is open Tuesday through Saturday (closed Sundays & Mondays).

The machine is located to the back of the gift shop, near the cash register. Designs include:
1) 'The WV State Capitol Charleston, WV', building
2) West Virginia 150 Birthday,
3) 'West Virginia Cardinal', WV state bird,
4) 'West Virginia Rhododendron', WV state flower.

Retired design:

Retired from Machine 1: 1) Black Bear facing left.

3/13: machine added to the WV State Museum Culture Center in the Capitol complex (building 9).

12/21/24: updated website address. Admission is free, per the website. jnm

10/09/24 located in gift shop and still rolling.

Machine 1

Retired from Machine 1