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Baltic Railway Station in St. Petersburg. Machine Locations > Russia

Bypass Canal Quay, 120 (Metro Baltic)
St. Petersburg, Russia

11/9/2015 I searched all over and wasn't able to find the machine anywhere in the railway station. Possibly gone?

The Moscow to Saint Petersburg Railway runs for 403.7 mi through four oblasts: Moscow, Tver, Novgorod and Leningrad. It is a major traffic artery in the north-west region of Russia, operated by the Oktyabrskaya Railway subdivision of Russian Railways.

The machine is located inside the rail station and all coins are double sided. It takes 1 Ruble Russian cion and $ 100 Ruble banknotes.
Designs are:
1. Calm Admiralty / Compass
2. Lucky Coin / The luck
3. God help you / You come in, if that
4. Heroes cartoon: Winnie the Pooh / Pyatachek

Machine 1