- The official website for elongated pennies, penny books and penny machines Penny Men CTM Group
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Museum of Science & History Machine Locations > Florida

1025 Museum Circle
Jacksonville, FL , 32207

Phone: (904) 396-7062


The Museum of Science & History strives to increase the knowledge and understanding of the natural environment and history of Jacksonville as well as Northeast Florida. Focusing on creating an awareness and appreciation of science and history through quality programs, MOSH offers exhibits and events that stimulate and inspire learning in all visitors.

Machine 2: Need scan/ picture (and descriptions) of designs on a plain white background.

Retired 1: 1) Space Shuttle (v), 2) manatees (h), 3) Einstein's head (v), 4) Mapleleaf paddleboat (h).

12/28/23: On the second floor at the exit of the Florida 'Through Time' exhibit. It is a 4 dye bring you own penny 51 cent machine.
How did the pennies look?? Off center, full roll, short.

Machine 2

Retired 1