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Seguins Cheese and GIfts Machine Locations > Wisconsin

W1968 US HWY 41, W1968 US-41, Marinette, WI 54143
Marinette, WI , 54143

Phone: 800-338-7919

The machine is right by the doors on the left. It's been there for quite a while now and not listed yet. Can't miss it!

The back says Seguin's Cheese and Gifts, Marinette WI, 800-338-7919 on all of them. Designs are, :
1) (H) Says historic Marinette on top. With a picture of the Horses and the logs (by the interstate bridge) and Wisconsin underneath the picture.
2) (V) Says Wisconsin on top. Picture of Wisconsin and a star of where Marinette is and America's Dairyland underneath.
3) (V) Says Seguin's on top. Picture of a Mouse and block of cheese and Cheese & Gifts underneath.
4) (V) says Seguin's on top. Picture of a cheerleader wearing a cheesehead and has cheeseheads rule. Says Cheese & Gifts underneath.

5/5/2021- still present and working! Rolls very nicely. The machine is immediately to the right after walking in.

Machine 1